Sunday, June 14, 2009

Birthdays and Missing out

Yesterday was my mom's birthday, and it was such a good day. My brother and his girlfriend Chelsea came home and Chels and I made breakfast and Josh cleaned the dishes. Then we all went to chico, Josh to get his haircut and look at bike shops and my mom and I went to workout. Then we went shopping because my mom wanted a new shirt to wear to dinner. We went to Olive Garden for dinner with my grandparents and then went and saw the movie Up, which was AMAZING!! But about half way through my day I got a text saying there was a goodbye party for a good friend who was going to be moving in about a month. I didn't know what was worst; not wanting to go, or knowing I didn't want to go. I was kind of hurt by myself to think that I have known this Kid for practically my whole life and I couldn't bring myself to go to his party. Not because I didn't like him or there was something I was trying to avoid, but because I wasn't sure if there would be alcohol there or not. Another really big thing for me to question: Is my issue with alcohol and partying big enough for me to not go hang with friends and say goodbye? I feel because I have found that I am not all for drinking and partying, I am immediately alienated from most of my friends from back home, which sucks because I have known them for so long and I want to continue to be close to them and see how they are doing and them do the same for me. It seems as if everything that would draw our group together in high school can longer be unless that thing is a keg. To sum it my family and I cannot wait to get back to school!!

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