Wednesday, June 17, 2009


God has presented me with what I feel is the heart of where my hesitation in full faith comes from. Fear of doing, saying, or thinking the wrong thing in fear of him turning his back and walking away. I have always kept quiet when things bother me, let things roll off back when I get angry, not spoken up when I should have, all out of fear. Fear that something huge and catastrophic would stem from my actions. But I'm tired of living out of fear. I'm tired of setting up shop and staying put and not saying or doing anything, out of fear. I want to come to terms with my fear and kick this habit to curb! I want to be free!


  1. you are free. . .you dont have to go through a process to become free. . .you believe in the love of christ, so that belief has already set you free. . .

    These are words that you need to be careful with. . .how you speak up and the way that you handle situations that are placed in front of you is another huge step in your walk. . .just because you let things roll off your back doesn't mean that you are doing so out of fear, but also grace, no? Nothing Catastrophic can come from grace, but if you blow up, then there is catastrophe. . .and a messy situation. . .Let grace and love replace your fear. . .

    I was an angry kid, you know this, so my path was kind of reversed. . .i would let something get me mad, and i would blow up, and that hurt a lot of people, including myself. . .but grace and love corrected that and allowed for a lot of healing

    idk if this helps, but i hope so

  2. Wow thanks Josh. It's definitely a refreshing outlook on how to handle this situation, and definitely will give me something to work on. You're the best!
