Friday, June 12, 2009

Sin, Love and Grace.

Ok so I have written and erased this entry about a dozen times now...haha and I'm a little unsure on how deep to go on these things, but here it goes. Last night I was driving home and I was listening to some worship music, songs I have heard and sang to a bajillion times. But for some reason, on one song, I stopped singing and acutally listened to the words. "Your eyes look on me as sin, but see me as love." I can't count how many times I have sung those lyrics but for the first time I actually heard what I was singing. I haven't shaken those lyrics since; replaying over and over again in my mind. I am so amazed that God is able to see all that we do wrong, all the sin in our lives, and yet still loves us. I am just so thankful for the role model that God has become in my life. Another phrase that struck me was "Let grace be enough". I am still wrestling with this concept. It's hard for me to grasp and understand. Oh...and I was also told to mention the KITTY!! lol :P that one is for Josh!

1 comment:

  1. wow emmy, this is great! very encouraging!

    that cat is the devil. . .
